Eastern Sun: Integrate Album Cover

Eastern Sun recently put out a new album cover featuring my painting “There Are No Loose Ends”.
Here are some notes on the album from bandcamp”
Eastern Sun’s third full-length release continues to keep Venice, California producer Brian Saitzyk on the pulse of modern music. With ‘Integrate’, the aural vision extends into the infinite as listeners turn inward to experience analog soundscapes and rhythms blended with deep bass and full frequency synths. Sonic threads contrasting light and dark, organic and digital seamlessly integrate into one cohesive and awe-inspiring composition. Once again, EasternSun has formed something that reaches above and beyond the genre’s norm and cultivates a sound that resonates with the deepest archetypes of human nature. Reverence deepening into spiritual awakening forms the basis of this heart-felt electronic music – in fact, music made from machines has never had this much soul!
Eastern Sun Bandcamp